



Tests (last 5 min)




Hospital Patients


ICU Patients



Covid19 Historical Data

Deaths and Positivity Rate

Regional Data

Number of Cases by Electoral District (19-May-2022)

Summary of Cases (Deaths) by Electoral District (as of 19-May-2022)

Hospital Data

ICU Facilities (19-May-2022)

Inpatient Data (19-May-2022)

Total HSC Trust Inpatients (19-May-2022)


Covid 19 Northern Ireland Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of the latest data regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) outbreak in Northern Ireland. The data is updated every day to incorporate the most recent statistics via an additional piece of software hosted here. The dashboard itself is implemented in the R programming language, specifically using the flexdashboard package within an Rmarkdownframework.



For further details feel free to check out the Github repo or contact me via Twitter.

title: "Covid19 Northern Ireland"
    orientation: rows
    self_contained: FALSE
    vertical_layout: fill
    source_code: embed
    css: style.css
    social: menu
      version: 4
      bg: "white"
      fg: "#202020"
      primary: "#2A9D8F"
      navbar-bg: "#2A9D8F"
          google: Roboto
          google: Roboto


.value-output {
  color: white;

.caption {
  color: white;


```{r setup, include=FALSE}
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
### Pulling most recent data from Github
national_df <- data.table::fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obrienjoey/covid19northernireland/main/data/ni_covid_national.csv")
last_national_data <- national_df %>%
                        tidyr::drop_na() %>% 
                        dplyr::filter(date == max(date))

local_df <- data.table::fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obrienjoey/covid19northernireland/main/data/ni_covid_local.csv")

inpatient_df <- data.table::fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obrienjoey/covid19northernireland/main/data/ni_inpatients.csv")

hosp_df <- data.table::fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obrienjoey/covid19northernireland/main/data/ni_covid_hospital.csv")

pal_navy <- '#264653'
pal_teal <- '#2A9D8F'
pal_blue <- '#2A9D8F'
pal_green <- '#8AB17D'
pal_yellow <- '#E9C46A'
pal_orange <- '#F4A261'
pal_red <- '#E76F51'
pal_brown <- '#403D39'
ablack <- '#202020'

shapefile <- sf::st_read(




### Cases {.value-box}
valueBox(value = paste(format(last_national_data$cases, big.mark = ","), "", sep = " "), 
         caption = "Cases", 
         icon = "fas fa-plus-square", 
         color = pal_navy)

### Tests (last 5 min) {.value-box}
valueBox(value = paste(format(last_national_data$tests, big.mark = ","), "", sep = " "), 
         caption = "Tests", 
         icon = "fas fa-vial", 
         color = pal_teal)

### Deaths {.value-box}
valueBox(value = paste(format(last_national_data$deaths, big.mark = ","), "", sep = " "), 
         caption = "Deaths", 
         icon = "fas fa-window-close", 
         color = pal_yellow)

### Hospital Patients {.value-box}
valueBox(value = paste(format(last_national_data$covid_patients, big.mark = ","), "", sep = " "), 
         caption = "Hospital Patients", 
         icon = "fas fa-hospital", 
         color = pal_orange)

### ICU Patients {.value-box}
valueBox(value = paste(format(last_national_data$covid_ICU, big.mark = ","), "", sep = " "), 
         caption = "ICU Patients", 
         icon = "fas fa-procedures", 
         color = pal_red)


### Covid19 Historical Data {data-width=600}

national_df %>%
  dplyr::select(date, cases, covid_patients, covid_ICU) %>%
  dplyr::distinct() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(cases_ma7 = round(zoo::rollmean(x = cases, # column to take
                                        k = 7, # rolling time period
                                        align = "right", #leave values above the top
                                        fill = NA),2)) %>%
  plotly::plot_ly() %>%
  plotly::add_bars(x = ~date,
                   y = ~cases,
                   color = I(pal_teal),
                   hoverinfo = 'text',
                   text = ~paste(format(date, '%d-%b-%Y'), '</br></br>Cases:', cases),
                   name = 'Cases') %>%
  plotly::add_lines(x = ~date,
                    y = ~cases_ma7,
                    name = '7-day Average',
                    mode = 'lines',
                    hoverinfo = 'text',
                    text = ~paste(format(date, '%d-%b-%Y'), '</br></br>7-day Average:', cases_ma7),
                    color = I(ablack)) %>%
  plotly::add_bars(x = ~date,
                   y = ~-covid_patients,
                   name = 'Hospital',
                   hoverinfo = 'text',
                   text = ~paste(format(date, '%d-%b-%Y'), '</br></br>Hospital:', covid_patients),
                   color = I(pal_orange)) %>%
  plotly::add_bars(x = ~date,
                   y = ~-covid_ICU,
                   name = 'ICU',
                   hoverinfo = 'text',
                   text = ~paste(format(date, '%d-%b-%Y'), '</br></br>ICU:', covid_ICU),
                   color = I(pal_red)) %>%
                 yaxis = list(title = '',
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 xaxis = list(title = 'Date',
                              tickformat = "%b %Y",
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 legend = list(x = 0.05, y = 0.9),
                 hovermode = 'text') %>%

### Deaths and Positivity Rate {data-width=400}


min_death_date <- national_df %>%
  dplyr::select(date, deaths) %>%
  tidyr::drop_na() %>%
  dplyr::pull(date) %>%

death_plot <- national_df %>%
  dplyr::select(date, deaths) %>%
  tidyr::drop_na() %>%
  plotly::plot_ly() %>%
  plotly::add_markers(x = ~date,
                    y = ~deaths,
                    mode = 'lines',
                    hoverinfo = 'text',
                    text = ~paste(paste(format(date, '%d-%b-%Y'), '</br></br>Deaths:', deaths)),
                                  color = I(pal_yellow)) %>%
                 yaxis = list(title = 'Deaths',
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 xaxis = list(title = '',
                              range = c(min_death_date, max(national_df$date) + 1),
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 hovermode = 'text')

test_plot <- national_df %>%
  dplyr::select(date, cases, tests) %>%
  dplyr::distinct() %>%
  dplyr::filter(tests > 0) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(negative = tests - cases) %>%
  plotly::plot_ly(type = 'scatter', 
                  mode = 'none', 
                  stackgroup = 'one', 
                  groupnorm = 'percent') %>%
  plotly::add_trace(x = ~date, 
                    y = ~cases, 
                    fillcolor = pal_navy,
                    hoverinfo = 'text',
                    text = ~paste0('Positive : ', round(100*cases/tests,2), '% (', cases, ')')) %>%
  plotly::add_trace(x = ~date,
                    y = ~negative,
                    fillcolor = pal_teal,
                    hoverinfo = 'text',
                    text = ~paste0('Negative : ', round(100*negative/tests,2), '% (', negative, ')')) %>%
                 yaxis = list(title = 'Fraction of Tests',
                              showgrid = FALSE,
                              ticksuffix = '%',
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 xaxis = list(title = 'Date',
                              tickformat = "%b %Y",
                              showgrid = FALSE,
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 hovermode = "x unified",
                 showlegend = FALSE)

plotly::subplot(death_plot, test_plot, nrows = 2,
                titleX = TRUE, titleY = TRUE)  %>%


Regional Data

### Number of Cases by Electoral District (`r format(max(local_df$date), '%d-%b-%Y')`) { data-width=400 }

local_df_summary <- local_df %>%
              dplyr::distinct() %>%
              dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, ~replace(., is.na(.), 0)) %>%
              dplyr::group_by(area) %>%
              dplyr::summarise(tests_1 = sum(tail(tests,1)),
                               tests_7 = sum(tail(tests,7)),
                               tests_30 = sum(tail(tests,30)),
                               tests_all = sum(tests),
                               cases_1 = sum(tail(cases,1)),
                               cases_7 = sum(tail(cases,7)),
                               cases_30 = sum(tail(cases,30)),
                               cases_all = sum(cases),
                               deaths_1 = sum(tail(deaths,1)),
                               deaths_7 = sum(tail(deaths,7)),
                               deaths_30 = sum(tail(deaths,30)),
                               deaths_all = sum(deaths)) %>%
              janitor::adorn_totals("row") %>%
              dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
              dplyr::filter(area != 'Missing Postcode') %>%
              tidyr::drop_na() %>%
              tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = tests_1:deaths_all,
                           names_to = 'category') %>%
                       into = c("Category", "Time"),

map_df <- local_df_summary %>%
  dplyr::filter(Time == 1,
                Category == 'cases') %>%
  dplyr::inner_join(shapefile, .,
                    by = c('LGDNAME' = 'area'))

                 zcol = c('value'),
                 layer.name = 'Cases',
                 popup = FALSE)


### Summary of Cases (Deaths) by Electoral District (as of `r format(max(local_df$date), '%d-%b-%Y')`)  { data-width=400 }


local_df %>%
  dplyr::distinct() %>%
  dplyr::mutate_if(is.numeric, ~replace(., is.na(.), 0)) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(area) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(cases_1 = sum(tail(cases,1)),
                   cases_7 = sum(tail(cases,7)),
                   cases_30 = sum(tail(cases,30)),
                   cases_all = sum(cases),
                   deaths_1 = sum(tail(deaths,1)),
                   deaths_7 = sum(tail(deaths,7)),
                   deaths_30 = sum(tail(deaths,30)),
                   deaths_all = sum(deaths)) %>%
  janitor::adorn_totals("row") %>%
  dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
  tidyr::drop_na() %>%
  dplyr::filter(area != 'Missing Postcode') %>%
  dplyr::mutate('1 Day' = paste0(format(cases_1, big.mark = ',', trim = TRUE),
                          ' (', format(deaths_1, big.mark = ',', trim = TRUE), ')'),
                '7 Days' = paste0(format(cases_7, big.mark = ',', trim = TRUE),
                                 ' (', format(deaths_7, big.mark = ',', trim = TRUE), ')'),
                '30 Days' = paste0(format(cases_30, big.mark = ',', trim = TRUE),
                                  ' (', format(deaths_30, big.mark = ',', trim = TRUE), ')'),
                'All Time' = paste0(format(cases_all, big.mark = ',', trim = TRUE),
                                   ' (', format(deaths_all, big.mark = ',', trim = TRUE), ')')) %>%
  dplyr::select('Area' = area,
                '1 Day',
                '7 Days',
                '30 Days',
                'All Time') %>%
  DT::datatable(rownames = FALSE,
                fillContainer = T,
                options = list(pageLength = nrow(.),
                               searching = FALSE,
                               dom = 't',
                               scrollY = 450,
                columnDefs = 
                           list(list(className = 'dt-left', targets = 0),
                                list(className = 'dt-center', targets = 1:4)))) %>%
      target = "row",
      fontWeight = DT::styleEqual('Total', "bold")

Hospital Data

### ICU Facilities (`r format(max(local_df$date), '%d-%b-%Y')`) { data-width=500 }


national_df %>%
  dplyr::select(date, covid_ICU, non_covid_ICU, unoccupied_ICU_beds) %>%
  tidyr::drop_na() %>%
  tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = covid_ICU:unoccupied_ICU_beds,
               names_to = 'group',
               values_to = 'number') %>%
  dplyr::group_by(date) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(prop = number/sum(number),
                group = dplyr::case_when(group == 'covid_ICU' ~ 'Covid Patients',
                                  group == 'non_covid_ICU' ~ 'Non-Covid Patients',
                                  group == 'unoccupied_ICU_beds' ~ 'Unoccupied')) %>%
  plotly::plot_ly(x = ~date, y = ~round(prop * 100,2), color = ~group,
          hoverinfo = 'text', colors = c(pal_orange,pal_teal,pal_yellow),
          text = ~paste0(group, ': ', number, ' (', round(prop * 100,2), '%)')
          ) %>%
  plotly::add_bars() %>%
  plotly::layout(barmode = 'stack',
                 yaxis = list(title = 'Fraction of ICU Beds',
                              showgrid = FALSE,
                              ticksuffix = '%',
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 xaxis = list(title = 'Date',
                              tickformat = "%b %Y",
                              showgrid = FALSE,
                              hoverformat = "%b %d, %Y",
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 hovermode = "x unified",
                 showlegend = FALSE) %>%


### Inpatient Data (`r format(max(local_df$date), '%d-%b-%Y')`) { data-width=500 }

``` {r}

inpatient_df %>%
  dplyr::filter(gender == 'All') %>%
  dplyr::group_by(date, age_band) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(covid_patients = sum(covid_patients)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(age_band = gsub("Aged ", "", age_band)) %>%
  plotly::plot_ly(type = 'bar', x = ~date, y = ~covid_patients, 
                  color = ~age_band,
                  mode = 'none', 
                  stackgroup = 'one',
                  colors = c(pal_brown, pal_red, pal_blue,
                             pal_navy, pal_green, pal_orange,
                             pal_teal, pal_yellow)) %>%
  plotly::layout(barmode = 'stack',
                 yaxis = list(title = 'Inpatients at Midnight',
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 xaxis = list(title = 'Date',
                              tickformat = "%b %Y",
                              showgrid = FALSE,
                              hoverformat = "%b %d, %Y",
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 hovermode = "x unified",
                 legend = list(orientation = "v", 
                               xanchor = "center",  
                               x = 0.2,
                               y = 1)) %>%


### Total HSC Trust Inpatients (`r format(max(local_df$date), '%d-%b-%Y')`) { data-width=200 }


hosp_df %>%
  dplyr::group_by(hsc_trust) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(admissions = sum(number_of_admissions)) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(desc(admissions)) %>%
  plotly::plot_ly(x = ~ admissions, y = ~reorder(hsc_trust,admissions), color = I(pal_teal)) %>%
  plotly::add_bars() %>%
  plotly::layout(yaxis = list(title = 'HSC Trust',
                              showgrid = FALSE,
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 xaxis = list(title = '',
                              fixedrange = TRUE),
                 showlegend = FALSE) %>%
  plotly::add_annotations(text = ~admissions,
                  y = ~reorder(hsc_trust,admissions),
                  x = ~admissions/2,
                  xref = "x",
                  yref = "y",
                  font = list(
                              size = 14,
                              color = 'white'),
                  showarrow = FALSE) %>%



**Covid 19 Northern Ireland Dashboard**

This dashboard provides an overview of the latest data regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) outbreak in Northern Ireland. The data is updated every day to incorporate the most recent statistics via an additional piece of software hosted [here](https://github.com/obrienjoey/covid19northernireland). The dashboard itself is implemented in the `R` programming language, specifically using the `flexdashboard` package within an `Rmarkdown`framework. 


* Dashboard interface - the [`flexdashboard`](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/flexdashboard/) package. 
* Visualization - the [`plotly`](https://plot.ly/r/) package for the plots and [`mapview`](https://r-spatial.github.io/mapview/) package for the map.
* Data manipulation - [`dplyr`](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/).
* Tables - the [`DT`](https://rstudio.github.io/DT/) package.


For further details feel free to check out the [Github repo](https://github.com/obrienjoey/covidni_dashboard) or contact me via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/obrienj_).